What is Functional Dentistry?

Dr. Jesse Myers is bringing to the Shenandoah Valley a particular way of practicing dentistry called 'Functional Dentistry'. 

He was recently featured on Ask The Dentist’s podcast discussing functional medicine topics like “How the Oral microbiome Affects Gum Health”, which can be listened to here.

Functional Dentistry is a comprehensive way of practicing medicine that integrates lifestyle modifications and food as medicine into contemporary dentistry. As Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” 

Through the study of epigenetics, the human microbiome, and nutritional science we have a sophisticated and comprehensive understanding of how lifestyle and nutrition are vital to health. Most diseases of the mouth are due to poor lifestyle habits and nutrition. Incorporating this knowledge into practice has the capacity to facilitate resilient health and regenerative healing for chronic inflammatory diseases.

From Dr. Myers: "The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the interconnected human body. Through this portal, we will see that at the pinnacle of health is oral health. This is because the mouth is the perfect mirror and reflector of what is happening internally in the human body. The most prevalent chronic human diseases experienced globally are found in the mouth. Diseases like cavities and gum diseases carry major economic and serious health burdens. As a physician of the mouth, I oftentimes see the first signs of these downstream issues. Other chronic diseases are caused or exacerbated by pathogenic oral bacteria. What is healthy for your teeth is healthy for the rest of the body. One of the best decisions you can make for your life is filtering your lifestyle decisions through the lens that Complete Whole Body Health starts in the mouth."

Call today or book online to schedule a consult with Dr. Myers for functional dentistry. 

Welcome to the blog of Dr. Jesse Myers & Dr. Alan J. White!

We're proud to be your world class dental providers here in the Shenandoah Valley. We offer an advanced, high-tech dental office so that we can bring the latest and most advanced dental treatment to you and your family members to help you reach your oral health goals.

We are a small, private dental practice with a family-like, low-key atmosphere without the high pressure sales of today's corporate dentistry. We believe in providing you with options for your dental treatment and respecting your right to be involved with your dental care decisions.

The Hidden Side of Fluoride: What Parents Need to Know
Exploring Functional Dentistry with Dr. Jesse Myers – Interview with Megan Collier
Mara Labs, Curcumin & Whole-Body Dentistry Interview
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